okay guys so today i’m going to show you how you can get access to free courses from the most prestigious universities in the world and the best part is that once you’ve completed those courses you will get a free certificate as well all right .

so let me show you and there it is guys and as you can see we have the university of Michigan of north Texas he in Paris what else do we have the imperial college in London.
so all very well known and very fine institutions so from here you can get any courses that you want and I’m going to show you how you can get this for free .
For this you can either scroll down the page and find something that you’re interested in obviously you know or you can use the search box here so let’s say you wanted to learn python okay ,so let’s type python here and let’s look for something so maybe python for beginners so there you go as you can see you have a few different options to choose from here .
so let’s go ahead with the very first one here let’s click on it very good so as you can see there are over 1 million uh students enrolled at the moment so a very popular one so this should be a very good one as well from the university of michigan and basically from here you can click on enroll for free .
so that’s just the enrollment but obviously there is a fee attached to it as you can see it starts at 44 euros if you click on continue there it is it goes up to 133 euros so if you finish in one month so that’s 20 hours per week not everyone can dedicate 20 hours a week .
You’ll most likely be choosing one of those two options either 89 or 133 euros so how can you avoid this cost well basically I’m going to show you how this works now and all you have to do is click on one small link it’s not obvious but it’s on the page it’s right here there it is financial aid available .
if you click on this now there you go now you can submit an application it only takes a few minutes for you to fill this out and within 15 days you will get your course for free okay so all you have to do nice click on this continue to the application and now all you have to do is just confirm that you are telling the truth .
here share accurate information and that you commit to finish their course okay now you have to type this physically here i agree to the terms above so there you go and then click continue and then from here you start filling out the form obviously you know so choose your educational background whatever .
it is you know put here the amount of your income yearly income your employment status at the moment so maybe you’re working part-time let’s say okay and then how much can you afford to pay so here you have the option per month per course it is required but you can put zero if you wanted to so let’s say per course for this one if you want to give them something you might put five dollars or maybe zero altogether okay this is really up to you uh .
you will be accepted don’t worry even if you put zero here and then you need to give them a reason why you’re playing for this financial aid so it has to be 150 watts minimum required .
It could be something like this you know i just moved to London with my girlfriend I’m only working part-time at for minimum wage after paying for rent food and utilities I have no money left at the end of the month this course would help me get a better paid job .
I can help my family back home or something like this okay so it doesn’t have to be a novel uh 150 word minimum obviously explain the real reason why you can’t afford it and then you do the same here.
how will taking this call help you achieve your career goals and then you can expand on how you can get a better job and so on so after this you have another question here this is basically a survey so as you can see would you consider using a low interest loan to pay for the course yes no .
then you can give them a reason after this click on I’m not a robot and then submit the application and once you’ve submitted the application it will take 15 days exactly precisely .
two weeks and then you will get access to the course again it will be free guys okay and once you’ve completed your course you will get your certificate it will look something like this you can even share it on LinkedIn like they say here all right so don’t forget to share so that others can benefit from this too.